Source code for django_elasticsearch_dsl_drf.compat

Transitional compatibility module. Contains various field wrappers and
helpers for painless (testing of) Elastic 2.x to Elastic 5.x transition. This
module is not supposed to solve all transition issues for you. Better move to
Elastic 5.x as soon as possible.

from django_elasticsearch_dsl import fields

# For compatibility reasons
from .versions import get_elasticsearch_version

    import coreapi
except ImportError:
    coreapi = None

    import coreschema
except ImportError:
    coreschema = None

# try:
#     from rest_framework.pagination import _get_count
# except ImportError:
#     _get_count = None

__title__ = 'django_elasticsearch_dsl_drf.compat'
__author__ = 'Artur Barseghyan <>'
__copyright__ = '2017-2020 Artur Barseghyan'
__license__ = 'GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1'
__all__ = (
    # 'get_count',

# def get_count(self, queryset):
#     """Get count.
#     :param self:
#     :param queryset:
#     :return:
#     """
#     if _get_count is None:
#         return self.get_count(queryset)
#     else:
#         return _get_count(queryset)

KeywordField = fields.KeywordField

def string_field(**kwargs):
    """String field.

    :param kwargs:
    kwargs.setdefault('fielddata', True)
    return fields.TextField(**kwargs)

StringField = string_field

def nested_sort_entry(path):
    """String field.
    :param path: Full path to nested container, separated by period
    :type: str
    :return: Dictionary of full nested path
    :rtype: dict
    version = get_elasticsearch_version()
    if version[0] < 6 or (version[0] == 6 and version[1] < 1):
        return {'nested_path': path}
    nested_path = {}
    path_list = path.split('.')
    for _ in reversed(path_list):
        if nested_path:
            nested_path = {'path': '.'.join(path_list), 'nested': nested_path}
            nested_path = {'path': '.'.join(path_list)}
    return {'nested': nested_path}