Source code for django_elasticsearch_dsl_drf.serializers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import copy
from collections import OrderedDict

from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured

from django_elasticsearch_dsl import fields, Document

from rest_framework import serializers
from rest_framework.fields import empty
from rest_framework.utils.field_mapping import get_field_kwargs

import six

from .fields import (
from .helpers import sort_by_list
from .utils import EmptySearch

__title__ = 'django_elasticsearch_dsl_drf.serializers'
__author__ = 'Artur Barseghyan <>'
__copyright__ = '2017-2019 Artur Barseghyan'
__license__ = 'GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1'
__all__ = (

[docs]class Meta(type): """Template for the DocumentSerializerMeta.Meta class.""" fields = tuple() exclude = tuple() search_fields = tuple() index_classes = tuple() serializers = tuple() ignore_fields = tuple() field_aliases = {} field_options = {} index_aliases = {} def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): cls = super(Meta, mcs).__new__(mcs, str(name), bases, attrs) if cls.fields and cls.exclude: raise ImproperlyConfigured( "%s cannot define both 'fields' and 'exclude'." % name ) return cls def __setattr__(cls, name, value): raise AttributeError("Meta class is immutable.") def __delattr__(cls, name): raise AttributeError("Meta class is immutable.")
[docs]class DocumentSerializerMeta(serializers.SerializerMetaclass): """Metaclass for the DocumentSerializer. Ensures that all declared subclasses implemented a Meta. """ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): attrs.setdefault("_abstract", False) cls = super(DocumentSerializerMeta, mcs).__new__( mcs, str(name), bases, attrs ) if getattr(cls, "Meta", None): cls.Meta = Meta("Meta", (Meta,), dict(cls.Meta.__dict__)) elif not cls._abstract: raise ImproperlyConfigured( "%s must implement a Meta class or have the property " "_abstract" % name ) return cls
[docs]class DocumentSerializer( six.with_metaclass(DocumentSerializerMeta, serializers.Serializer) ): """A dynamic DocumentSerializer class.""" _abstract = True _field_mapping = { fields.BooleanField: BooleanField, fields.ByteField: CharField, # TODO fields.CompletionField: CharField, # TODO fields.DateField: DateField, fields.DoubleField: FloatField, fields.FloatField: FloatField, fields.GeoPointField: GeoPointField, fields.GeoShapeField: GeoShapeField, fields.IntegerField: IntegerField, fields.IpField: IPAddressField, fields.LongField: IntegerField, fields.NestedField: NestedField, fields.ListField: ListField, fields.ObjectField: ObjectField, fields.ShortField: IntegerField, fields.FileField: CharField, # TODO fields.KeywordField: CharField, fields.TextField: CharField, } def __init__(self, instance=None, data=empty, **kwargs): super(DocumentSerializer, self).__init__(instance, data, **kwargs) if not hasattr(self.Meta, 'document') or self.Meta.document is None: raise ImproperlyConfigured( "You must set the 'document' attribute on the serializer " "Meta class." ) if not issubclass(self.Meta.document, (Document,)): raise ImproperlyConfigured( "You must subclass the serializer 'document' from the Document" "class." ) if not self.instance: self.instance = EmptySearch() @staticmethod def _get_default_field_kwargs(model, field_name, field_type): """Get default field kwargs. Get the required attributes from the model field in order to instantiate a REST Framework serializer field. """ kwargs = {} if field_name in model._meta.get_fields(): model_field = model._meta.get_field(field_type)[0] kwargs = get_field_kwargs(field_name, model_field) # Remove stuff we don't care about! delete_attrs = [ "allow_blank", "choices", "model_field", ] for attr in delete_attrs: if attr in kwargs: del kwargs[attr] return kwargs def _get_index_field(self, field_name): """Return the correct index field.""" return field_name def _get_index_class_name(self, index_cls): """Get index class name. Convert index model class to a name suitable for use as a field name prefix. """ cls_name = index_cls.__name__ aliases = self.Meta.index_aliases return aliases.get(cls_name, cls_name.split('.')[-1])
[docs] def get_fields(self): """Get the required fields for serializing the result.""" __fields = self.Meta.fields exclude = self.Meta.exclude ignore_fields = self.Meta.ignore_fields document = self.Meta.document model = document.Django.model document_fields = document._fields declared_fields = copy.deepcopy(self._declared_fields) field_mapping = OrderedDict() for field_name, field_type in six.iteritems(document_fields): orig_name = field_name[:] # Don't use this field if it is in `ignore_fields` if orig_name in ignore_fields or field_name in ignore_fields: continue # When fields to include are decided by `exclude` if exclude: if orig_name in exclude or field_name in exclude: continue # When fields to include are decided by `fields` if __fields: if orig_name not in __fields and field_name not in __fields: continue # Look up the field attributes on the current index model, # in order to correctly instantiate the serializer field. kwargs = self._get_default_field_kwargs( model, field_name, field_type ) # If field not in the mapping, just skip if field_type.__class__ not in self._field_mapping: continue field_mapping[field_name] = \ self._field_mapping[field_type.__class__](**kwargs) # Add any explicitly declared fields. They *will* override any index # fields in case of naming collision!. if declared_fields: for field_name in declared_fields: field_mapping[field_name] = declared_fields[field_name] field_mapping = sort_by_list(field_mapping, __fields) return field_mapping
[docs] def create(self, validated_data): """Create. Do nothing. :param validated_data: :return: """
[docs] def update(self, instance, validated_data): """Update. Do nothing. :param instance: :param validated_data: :return: """